Made by

Nicasio Valley Cheese

Cow's Milk

Four time national award winner. In 2015, Foggy Morning was named the Best Fromage Blanc style cheese made in North America.

As described in 2011 by food writer & cheese expert Janet Fletcher, while at the San Francisco Chronicle:

" ... Foggy Morning is a rindless disk weighing just under a half pound and shipped before it is a week old. The milk is cultured and coagulated with animal rennet, hand ladled into molds, drained and dried for three days, then packaged and shipped. It has a shelf life of about three weeks.

I would have thought that Foggy Morning is the sort of cheese you want to eat as young as possible, but Rick Lafranchi says one local cheesemonger confessed that when he discovered an overlooked Foggy Morning in his refrigerator, it had developed a rind and tasted sublime. I haven't tried this experiment yet.

When I have sampled it, Foggy Morning has reminded me of exceptionally delicate cream cheese, tangier than ricotta, with a lovely sour-cream aroma. You could spread it on bagels or breakfast toast, or put clumps on a pizza.

I put some in a ramekin, drizzled it with olive oil, and baked it in a moderate oven until it softened, then ground some black pepper over it. Offer it this way with croutons or for dipping spring vegetables, such as radishes, kohlrabi and green onions. You could also serve it with olives, before dinner, accompanied by a brisk white wine. "

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