Spring Hill Farmstead Goat Cheese

Spring Hill Farmstead Goat Cheese
Click The Address To Open Directions In Google Maps
(707) 616-1093
By Appointment Only
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In April 2016, after almost 27 years at a local CPA firm, Karin retired to follow her dream of raising La Mancha dairy goats and making farmstead goat cheese for her community in Humboldt County. After one very long year of construction (she said it was like building a rocket ship!) she started Spring Hill Farmstead Cheese LLC in Bayside California making Farmstead Goat Cheese exclusively from the milk of her small herd of La Mancha dairy goats.
She brings her cheese to local farmer’s markets, with plans of building a thriving, sustainable small business benefiting the local economy and beyond for many years to come. Karin LOVES goat farming and cheesemaking. Prior to getting licensed she had been raising dairy goats and making cheese for over 10 years as a hobby. In the beginning she was milking the goats in the pasture under a beach umbrella and later put a small shed, dubbed The Milk Parlor! No power, no running water, but there was a roof over their heads and walls and even windows! Cheese was made in the kitchen, and the accumulation of “necessary” utensils and cheesepots began!
Karin makes fresh and aged goat cheese using a thistle-based rennet from Spain. Once a year, in the spring, she holds cheese classes. Email her for details.
Milk Types Offered
Available Cheesemakers
Cheeses Produced
Classes Offered
Tours Offered
Occasional farm tours and cheesemaking classes are offered during the year. Follow Spring Hill on Facebook and Instagram for announcements or email springhillfarmstead@gmail.com.