Market Hall Foods

Market Hall Foods
5655 College Avenue Suite 201
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The Freshest of ProduceMarket Hall Produce provides the freshest and most distinctive local produce to the East Bay's discerning customers. We pride ourselves on our outstanding selection of organic and conventional fruit and vegetables. We think of produce in terms of our surroundings, always striving to bring locally grown product into our customers' hands. California produce is shipped all over the world and we are lucky to have it right in our own backyard. We like to shop with only one thought in mind: "fresh is best". Whatever is in season and looks beautiful, that's what we like to take home. Specialty ProductsIn looking for specialty products, such as dairy, sauces, grains, snacks and all the other packaged products you see in store, we seek out the best items from small producers across the Bay Area and beyond. We appreciate how lucky we are to be living in Northern California, where there are a plethora of producers and farmers creating wonderful and innovative products, and so we aim to bring you interesting products with a story behind them. We taste everything we sell and stand behind our products and producers, so that you, our customers, can feel confident when purchasing our products. Most of our specialty products are all natural, if not organic. But if you have any questions while shopping, please do not hesitate to ask.