Since 2011, the Cheese Trail has promoted artisan cheesemakers, family farmers, and agri-tourism through cheese-colored lenses. In 2025, we'll reach 180,000+ California visitors and cheese lovers! Our services are 100% free to all cheesemakers and the public. Click here to view our 2024 map.

Audience Overview
+ Reach: In 2025, we'll reach 180,000+ users (online and offline)
+ Expansion: In addition to cheesemakers, our community includes retailers, restaurants, and wineries. And ... we are now extending coverage to additional western states - really exciting!
+ Printed Map: 80,000 copies (2025), distributed via 200+ retailers, farmers markets, wineries, restaurants and hotels, and direct mail (plus digital downloads)
+ Website Traffic: On track for 100,000+ visitors in 2025, with 1+ million since launch.
+ Business Directories: Cheesemakers, California Cheese Directory, Retailers, Farmers Markets, Experiences and more.
Advertising Options
Print Map
Business Card-Style Ads (12 Spots Available)
Single Inside: 1.5" h x 3.25" w - $1,500
Double Inside: 3" h x 3.25" w - $2,900
Deadlines: Reservation 11/30/24; Artwork 1/31/25; Format: 300 dpi, full color, PDF or JPG

Business Legend & Map Pin (20 Spots Available)
Perfect for wineries, breweries, restaurants, cheese shops and other brick-and-mortar locations. Listing includes: business name, city, phone, and URL.
Price: $500 / location

Premium Business Listing & Interactive Map: Special: $99 / year / location (Regularly $199) - Sample #1 - Sample #2

Display Ads
Pricing / Month:
+ Home Page: $250
+ Cheese Directory: $200
+ Retailer Directory: $200
One ad per location. Pricing is per month. Discounts available for 6+ months.
Scroll towards bottom on Home Page to see Petaluma Market ad.
Format: Layered PSD or AI file; video ads available upon request)
Ongoing support of our sponsors - including Real California Milk, Visit Marin, Sonoma County Ag & Open Space, and grant suport from the Pacific Coast Coalition - provides critical funding for ongoing and new initiatives, and allows us to provide cheesemakers and the public with free services.

For customized advertising and sponsorship options for your brand goals, please reach out.
Contact: Michael Straus
Phone: (415) 766-1271